Berkson's Paradox

This post was prompted by this tweet (admittedly already rather old by the time of this posting): The phenomenon observed here shouldn’t be particularly shocking — it’s exactly what we should expect in light of something called Berkson’s Paradox. This paradox, much like its more famous cousin named after Edward Simpson, isn’t really a paradox at all, but it does lead to some counterintuitive observations. In this example, we appear to see a negative correlation between product quality and sales team quality....

May 1, 2023 · 3 min · Eric Voss

Loan Marketing Segmentation

Shiny app GitHub repo R Markdown report with code/visualizations This is an old project from school. Very rudimentary, but it represents one of my earliest attempts at a “real” predictive modeling problem, and in any case I need some filler content to start populating this site. Using publicly available data from crowd-sourced lending platform Lending Club, I set out to create a classifier which would help solve a marketing problem which (I imagine) a company like this would encounter....

November 15, 2020 · 2 min · Eric Voss